About our products
We have a range of raw, natural and organic products available. All these products are produced here on our farm.
Raw dairy
Raw milk

We sell raw milk from our herd of organic cows which are pasture fed during the spring, summer and autumn months where possible. During the winter they are fed silage (pickled grass) and a small amount our own blend of peas and cereals in order to give them a balanced diet. We do not feed our cows maize or soya. The cows are milked twice a day. As soon as the cow has been milked, the milk gets cooled and goes into our refrigerated bulk milk tank where it is stored.
Raw cream

A few times a week we make a batch of cream from the organic milk. The cream can be used as pouring cream but you can also whip it to make whipped cream or butter. It’s also ideal for cooking.
Pasteurized dairy
Natural live yoghurt

Our natural yoghurt is made by using the milk from our own herd of Jersey and Jersey cross cows. The culture we’ve used is Streptococcus Thermophilus, Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus.
We don't add anything else! Just milk and culture.

Our ghee is made from the milk of our organic herd of Jersey and Jersey cross cows.
Large scale ghee producers use centrifugal force to make ghee.
Traditionally ghee is made by cooking butter which gives it a lovely nutty flavour, but due to the time consuming nature of this big producers look for the cheapest option.
We’ve used the traditional ghee making method, because this gives you the lovely nutty flavour and is how we believe it should be made!
Fresh beef

We keep our male calves for beef. These are kept outside as much as possible with some only spending a few months inside early on in life. They are given as little grain as possible living off grass and clover. This slow growth makes the meat dark, rich and delicious.
If you would like some Jersey beef please give us a call so we can tell you what we have available.
Because we sell the majority of our meat through our farm shop, we don't have a list for cuts available on the website. We recommend that you phone us so we can take the cuts of meat you would like off display whilst on the phone with you.